DX News Letter 1373
January 29, 2004

DX-NL 1373 January 29, 2004
DX News Letter

a free weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX and HF Contesting"

Editor: Karlfried Henrichs, DL1EK
(e-mail: dxmb@darc.de)

translation by: Bob, DL7VOA
(e-mail: dl7voa@darc.de)


ANTARCTICA, VP8/A, AN-016 Michele, KC4/IK7JGQ, is active from "Baia Terra Nova" until January 31. You can catch him on 14185 kHz after his sked with Luigi, IK8OZZ, from 1830-1915 UTC. More information can be found on the homepage: http://www.italiantartide.it/default.asp --- Jim, VQ9JC (WB9IHH), is now working on McMurdo Base until April or May. He can answer the QSL requests only after his return back home.

CAMBODIA, XU Peter, NO2R, will stay in Sihanoukville from Feb 2-8. He intends to work mainly on 160m. --- Dick, N6FF, is momentarily active as XU7ACB. He intends to be QRV on 80m and 160m one or more nights.

INDIA, VU AT0D and AT0DJQ are he possible special callsigns of Ram, VU3DJQ, which he will use until March 31. He plans to join a few of the upcoming contests on his favourite band 20m. QSL via EA7FTR.

MARTINIQUE, FM, NA-107 Morton, FS5UQ (W1UQ), and Fabrice, F5FUA, are staying in the French Caribbean from Feb 3-24. They will be QRV with 100 watts and wires signing FM/.... on 80/40/20/15/10m every day from 1100-1300 and 2200-2400 UTC. Fabrice prefers QSL via bureau.

MEXICO, XE, NA-166 XF1K will be the call of Hector, XE2K, and a few friends visiting an island in the Sonora State South Group (NA-166) from Feb 5-9. This IOTA is one of the most wanted in North America. Expect them to be active with three 100 watt stations in SSB/CW on 80-10m, perhaps also on 160m, for about 18-24 hours a day. QSL via N6AWD.

SOLOMON ISLANDS, H4, OC-047 Bernhard, DL2GAC, is hitting the airwaves as H44MS from Honiara, capital of the Solomon Islands, until the end of April. Due to transportation problems it is not very likely that he will visit other island groups. QSL via DL2GAC.

SRI LANKA, 4S A group of the Lufthansa Amateur Radio Club will be active in SSB/CW on all bands from Feb 3-8. Depending on the antenna situation they will also try to work on 160m. The operators are Frank, DJ3FK, Rudi, DK7PE, Bernd, DK7TF, and Karl, DL4FP.

SWAZILAND, 3DA A group of HAMs is signing 3DA0DX on all bands from the vicinity of Mbabane, capital of Swaziland, until Jan 31. QSL via ZS5WI.


QSL Info

QSL direct: 3B8/PA0VHA, 3B9FR, 4K6CD, 4S7VK, 4W1SW, 5U7B, 6K2CLF/4 (AS-085), 6Y9A, 7Q7PS, 8P6KY, C49A, CE0Y/SP9EVP, CE0Y/SP9PT, EC6TV/N, ER0/DL6MHG, F/ON5MF/p (EU-058), FK8HN, FO/DL1IAN (OC-152), FO/DL3GA (OC-152), FO/I1SNW (OC-264), FO/IT9EJW (OC-264), FO/IT9YRE (OC-264), FS/N5GI, HC1/NP3D, HK3CQ, KK2H/KH2, IK8PGM/9 (EU-166; IIA ME-038), IT9EJE/p (EU-166; IIA ME-038), IT9EJW/p (EU-166; IIA ME-038), IT9FCC/p (EU-166; IIA ME-038), IT9HLN/p (EU-166: IIA ME-038), J37VG, J49RW, JY8YB, KH5/KH7U, OH0NL, OX3NUK, PZ5A, PZ5CQ, PZ5UE, R1PQ, S79NS (AF-024), T88VC, TA0/F5SNY (AS-098), TA1FA, TA2IJ, TG0AA, TL8CK, TU2MA, V31FG, VK4GL/p (OC-265), VP5/WA4PGM, VP9I, WH0L, XU7ACT, XZ7A, YJ0AMY (OC-110), YJ0ATU (OC-110), YW5M (SA-015), YW6P (SA-090)

QSL via bureau: 3C5XA, 5Z4DZ, 9L1AB, FO/I2YSB, S0RASD, Z32XX

QSL managers

(d) = direct only
(B) = bureau ok
* = new manager


DATE          CALL         DXNL

NOW  -31Jan   3DA0DX       1373 *
NOW  -Dec04   4U1ITU       1371
28Jan-15Feb   4V200YH      1372
09Jan-08Apr   6W/LX1DA     1370
20Jan-???     9Q0AR        1371
26Jan-14Feb   9Y4/DJ8OT..  1372

20Jan-04Feb   A35RE        1371
NOW  -31Mar   AT0D..       1373 *
26Jan-29Feb   AY1ZA        1372
16Jan-30Jan   C56/G0VUH    1371
NOW  -24Feb   CE9R         1371
05Feb-09Feb   CF1K         1372*
NOW  -2004    D2CR         1339
NOW  -Jan04   DP1POL       1370
14Jan-13Feb   FG/F6FXS     1370
03Feb-24Feb   FM/F5FUA..   1373 *

17Jan-31Jan   G4RCG/HI9    1371
NOW  -Apr04   H44MS        1373 *
NOW  -Dec04   HF0QF..      1372
NOW  -Feb04   IA0PS        1369
29Jan-06Feb   J3/AA1M..    1372
NOW  -Mar04   JR1EEU       1368
NOW   Jun04   JW5RIA       1366
NOW  -31Jan   KC4/IK7JGQ   1373 *
17Jan-31Jan   KI7VR/HI9    1371
NOW           KP2/K2ZZ     1372

NOW  -Mar05   LU3DO/Z      1371
15Nov-28Feb   LZ0A         1363
NOW  -Mar03   MM0XAU       1372
15Jan-Apr04   OA7/PA3GFE   1371
24Jan-18Feb   PJ6/PA0VDV   1372
27Jan-02Feb   T88AQ        1372
NOW  -Jul04   TA1/PA4WM    1370
16Jan-30Jan   TJ1GA        1372

10Jan-Feb04   V31GW/V31YN   1370
NOW  -Feb04   VK0DX        1369
NOW           VP8CMH/mm    1371
20Jan-???     VP8SGK       1371
NOW  -31Jan   XT2OP        1372
NOW           XU7ACB       1373 *
NOW  -Sep04   XU7ACI       1357
NOW  -Jun04   XU7ACW       1351
01Sep-Mar04   YA/JA1PBV    1355
NOW  -Aug04   YA1R         1356
NOW  -May04   YA8G         1370
NOW           YI9DAZ       1372
NOW  -Jul04   YI9ZF        1372

 * = new
.. = and other calls


... that following DXCC entities were NOT activated during 2003: 1A0, 1S, 3B6, 3D2/C, 3Y (Bouvet), 3Y (Peter I), 5A, 7O, 9X, BS, C21, CE0/X, CY0, D6, E3, FK/C, FO/C, FR/G, FR/T, FT/W, FT/X, FT/Z, HK0/M, JX, KH1, KH5K, KH7 (Kure), KP1, KP5, P5 (P5/4L4FN), R1FJL, R1M, T33, VK0 (Heard), VK9/M, VK9W, VP8 (SG), VP8 (Sw), VU4, VU7, XF4, YV0, ZL7, ZL9, ZS8

F5VHH travelled with the Rallye Paris-Dakar 2004 and hit the airwaves as: 3V/F5VHH, 5A/F5VHH, 5T/F5VHH, CN/F5VHH, TZ/F5VHH and XT/F5VHH. Since these countries usually do not issue callsigns of this kind the ARRL is now discussing the problem whether the QSLs are countable for the DXCC award or not. The ARRL is still waiting for documents of 2002 and 2003 to make a final decision.

TNX: AE6Y, DJ5AV, DK8JB, DL1SBF, DL3NBL, DL4FP, DL7VOA, F6AJA, OK1DXE, 425 DX News, ARRL DX Bulletin, Crazy DX Group, F6AJA Les Nouvelles DX, KB8NW OPDX Bulletin, N4AA QRZ DX, W3UR Daily DX, Islands On The Web.