DX News Letter 1294
May 23, 2002

DX-NL 1294 May 23, 2002
DX News Letter

a free weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX and HF Contesting"

Editor: Karlfried Henrichs, DL1EK
(e-mail: dxmb@darc.de)

translation by: Bob, DL7VOA
(e-mail: dl7voa@darc.de)


AFGHANISTAN, YA Mark,VK4KMT, and Karen,EK6KB, are working for the United Nation World Food Program. They are also allowed to work with the callsign YA5T.

ARAN ISLANDS, EJ, EU-006 Members of the Limerick Radio Club are signing EJ0A in CW/SSB on 80-10m from May 24-26. They also plan to activate 6m. QSL via EI8EM, bureau ok.

ARUBA, P4, SA-036 P40RM and P40MT are the calls of W3RM and N3MT between May 29 and June 19. They plan to work on 6-160m. QSL direct to their homecalls.

COSTA RICA, TI W5AA/TI8 is on the air mostly on 30/12/17m from May 22 until Jun 17. --- TI5N will be the callsign of a multi/multi station operating with only five watts from the super station of TI5KD during the WPX CW Contest. Operators will be N0KE, W8QZA, W1XE, CX6VM and others. QSL via W3HNK. More information is available online at: http://www.yantis.net/ti5kd/.

ENGLAND, G The special event station GB50 (Fifty!) will be operating from Windsor Castle on 6-80m between May 29 and Jun 9. GB50 will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Her Majesty The Queen's Accession to the Throne. More details can be found online at: http://www.gb50.com. QSL via Owen Cross, G4DFI. --- GB0SM is working from St. Mary's (Isle of Scilly, EU-110) in CW/SSB/ RTTY on 160-10m until May 25. QSL via G3WNI.

GREAT BLASKET ISLAND, EI, EU-007 John, EI4GK, and Declan, EI9HQ, are signing EJ4GK and EJ9HQ mainly in SSB on 80-6m from May 23-26.

ICELAND, TF Tom, DL2RTK, and Ric, DL2VFR, are now staying on Iceland. They plan to operate in CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK on 6-160m from these islands: May 23-24 Vestmanneyjar Island (TF7, EU-071), May 25-30 Iceland (main island, TF1, EU-021), May 27-30 Grimsey Island (TF5, EU-168). More information can be found at http://www.iota-expedition.com.

LORD HOWE ISLAND, VK9L, OC-004 Bert, PA3GIO, will be on the air as VK9LO in SSB on 80-10m (no 30m!) from May 28 until Jun 7. The internet site for this DXpedition is: http://www.pa3gio.nl/VK9LO/. QSL via PA3GIO, bureau cards preferred!

MALYJ VYSOTSKIJ ISLAND, R1/mv, EU-117 Slava, RA1ACJ, will participate on 160m (single band) signing R1MVI in the upcoming WPX CW Contest. Other stations (R1MVC, R1MVD and R1MVF) are activated in CW/SSB on 10-80m by OH2BR, OH5NE, OH9MM, RA3AUU, RV1AW, RW1AC, RW3QC, RW4WR, UA1AKC, UA1ARX and UA2FZ from May 22-30. QSL for R1MVI via OH2BR.

PRINS KARLS FORLAND ISLAND, JW, EU-063 Terje, JW3OHA, plans an expedition to this island off the coast of Spitsbergen from May 31 until Jun 9. More details will be announced on the internet site http://www.dxpedition.org.

TURKEY, TA Members of the clubstations TA1KA, Z37M and Z30M are travelling to Bozcaada Island (AS-099) from May 20-28. They are operating in CW/SSB/ RTTY/PSK/SSTV on 6-160m. Z31MM, Z31GX, Z31RM, Z33F, Z32PT, Z36W, YU7AV, TA1E and TA2DS are QRV as YM0KA (QSL via TA1KA). The website for this DXpedition is: http://www.qsl.net/z30m/Bozcaada.html.

QSL Info

QSL direct: 5N7YZC, 6Y5BB, 9A5O, A22EW, A25/G3HCT (QSO 1999), BV9L (BV4YB), A71BY, E44/JA8RUZ, E4/OE1GZA, FJ/PA3GIO/m,HG0HQ,IC8OZM (EU-031), IS0/N9ZP (DF9ZP), K3J (OC-023), OD5PI, PA3GIO/HI9, PJ2/DL7DF, PJ2/DL7UFR, S07X, S21/OK1FWC (OKDXF), TI4SU, TN9/TI4SU (TI4SU), UA0NL/p (AS-066), V51/DJ4SO, VP5/W4OX, VP9MZ (WB2YQH, QSO 1994), VP9/W8MV, VQ9X, W9DC (NA-142), XT2DP (WB2YQH, QSO 1996), XW0X, XR5SM (SA-070), YU7KMN,YV5/IZ1DLV (SA-035),Z2/DL1AWI (QSO 1996), ZF2MM

QSL bureau: 2A0BPP/p (EU-010), 3F3XUG, 3V8SM (F5INM), 5B4/PA3FDO/p, 4M4X, 5A24PA, 5B4/RN3OA, 7X0AD, 8P9EM (G3VBL), 8P9JS (NA-021), 9H3AAG (EU-023, PA3BLS), 9V1ZB (AS-019, JL3WSL), 9Y4/DL2YY (SA-011), A4/OM3RG (OM3LZ), CT3/DK1BT, CT9L (DJ6QT), D70IAF (HL0IHQ), DJ8OK/p (EU-042), EA4ATI/EA1 (EU-077), ED8OTA (AF-004), ER1AA, ER2000A (ER1DA), FO0WEG (OC-152), GB5RO (EU-009), GM3OFT/p (EU-123), GN3XRQ (EU-122), GS3EEO/p, HC/NZ2P,HP3XUG (KG6UH),IR2W,J37LR (VE3EBN),J80WW (NA-025, W2EN), JA6LCJ/6 (AS-032 and AS-036), JJ8XNA (AS-147), MM0BPP/p (EU-111 and EU-118), N4CD/TI2, OH0JWH (EU-002, DJ2PJ), OH0/DL2SWW (EU-002), OZ/DJ1AA/p (EU-125 und EU-171), OZ/DJ7RJ (EU-030), OZ/DL4AMK (EU-172), OZ/DL7VOX/p (EU-171), PB6YL, R6/UR3IFD/p, RH1J (RA1ACJ), RX3RC, SN0R (EU-129, SP2QCR), S58U/LH, SP4JWR/1 (EU-132), SV9DRI, T32RD (OC-024, OK1RD),TA2RJ, TA4/DL3OCH (DL3OCH),TK8T (EU-104, F2YT),V2/G4DIY,V26WP (NA-100), VK3DK/p (OC-196), VK4DMV/VK7 (OC-195, DF9MV), VU3DMP (AS-096), VR2RO, W5ZPA (NA-110), XU7ABV (DL8KBJ), YM3CC (LX1CC), ZF2MK (K9MK), ZK1NDS (OC-013 and OC-082, DL9NDS), ZK1NFK (OC-013 and OC-082, DL7NFK), ZL1CRO

(d) = direct only
(B) = bureau ok
* = new manager


DATE            CALL          DXNL

NOW   -Jun/2003 5W1SA         1292
May 18-May 28   6Y2A          1293
May 13-May 28   7X0DX         1293
NOW   -Jun/2002 8J2C  ..      1291, 1292
May 22-May 31   9K2F          1293
NOW   -Sep/2002 9L1BTB        1268

May 18-May 24   AH6HY/AH8     1293
NOW   -2004     D2U           1282
May 31-Jun 30   DT0FWC ..     1275
May 24-May 26   EJ0A          1294 *
May 23-May 26   EJ4GK ..      1294 *
NOW   -Jun/2002 ET3PMW        1290
May 29-Jun 9    GB50          1294 *
May 25-???      GB50SM        1294 *
NOW   -2002     HF0POL        1271
Jan 1 -May 30   HL17FWC       1275
May 20-May 26   II0FM         1293
May 21-???      JT1Y          1293
May 31-Jun 9    JW3OHA        1294 *

NOW   -May/2002 K7ASU/KH9     1291
May 1 -May 31   LZ02JP ..     1292
NOW   -Jun/2002 OD5/IW0GXY    1287
May 22-Jun 17   P40RM ..      1294 *
May 24-Jun 1    PY0/K7BV      1294 *
May 22-May 30   R1MVI ..      1294 *
NOW   -Jul/2002 S21/OK1FWC    1287
NOW   -Oct/2002 SV5/IK2WZD    1292
NOW   -May/2002 T9/F5LPY      1287
May 23-May 30   TF/DL2RTK ..  1294 *
May 22-Jun 17   W5AA/TI8      1294 *
NOW             TI5N          1294 *
May 16-May 27   TN3B ..       1292
NOW   -Dec/2002 TT8DX         1283

May 14-May 24   V73BL         1291
NOW   -Dec/2002 VK0MQI        1287, 1291
May 28-Jun 7    VK9LO         1294 *
May 18-May 25   VK9XV         1293
NOW   -Jul 31   XW3QBR        1286
NOW   -Jun/2002 YA/LA7JO      1292
NOW             YA5T          1294 *
May 20-May 28   YM0KA         1294 *
NOW   -Sep/2002 ZC4BS         1260

*  = new
.. = and other calls

The Daily DX writes that QSLs of TT8JLB are not accepted for DXCC yet.

The "Council of Europe Amateur Radio Club (CEARC)", TP2CE, applied for a membership in the IARU region 1. If they had become a new member this could had been a new DXCC entity. On the IARU region 1 meeting in San Marino on April 26-29 this application was declined because it does not follow article 11.2 of the rules.

TNX: CX6VM, DH4JQ, DJ2MG, DJ5AV, DL1ECG, DL1SBF, DL2HX, DL6ZFG, DL7VOA,N0KE, N5PHT, NG3K, WF1N, XE1BEF, 425 DX News, ARRL DX Bulletin, Crazy DX Group, F6AJA (Les Nouvelles DX), KB8NW (OPDX Bulletin), N4AA (QRZ DX), W3UR (Daily DX), Islands On The Web.