DX Bulletin 49 ARLD049
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT December 4, 2003
To all radio amateurs
ARLD049 DX news
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by the OPDX Bulletin, The Daily DX, QRZ DX, 425DXnews, DXNL, WA7BNM and Contest Corral from QST. Thanks to all.
MAURITANIA, 5T. A group of Japanese amateurs are QRV as 5T5AFF, 5T5GDR, 5T5RQ, 5T5CPS, 5T5HC and 5T5TY until December 17. QSL to home calls.
AUSTRAL ISLANDS, FO. After his Marquesas Islands activity, Vlad, UA4WHX will be QRV as FO/AC4LN from Rurutu Island, IOTA OC-050, from December 10 to 12. QSL to home call.
MARQUESAS ISLANDS, FO. Vlad, UA4WHX will be QRV as FO/AC4LN from Atuona Island, IOTA OC-027, from December 6 to 9. QSL to home call.
THAILAND, HS. Mirek, VK6DXI is in Pattaya on business until December 23 and will operate in his spare time as HS0/VK3DXI. Activity is on 80 to 10 meters. QSL via DL4DBR.
DJIBOUTI, J2. Baldur, DJ6SI is QRV as J20DA and has been active on 20 meters around 1530z, 30 meters around 1600z and 40 meters around 1930z. His length of stay is unknown. QSL to home call.
ST. VINCENT, J8. Wayne, K8LEE and Peter, N0FW are QRV as J6DX until December 16. This includes entries in the ARRL 160 and 10 meter contests. Outside the contests, activity is on 160 to 6 meters. QSL via W8QID.
JAPAN, JA. Osamu, JR1EEU is QRV from Aoga shima Island, IOTA AS-043, until March 2004. Activity is on all HF bands. QSL direct.
JORDAN, JY. JY8YB has been QRV using RTTY on 20 meters between 0930 and 1130z. QSL direct.
ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL ROCKS, PY0S. Joca, PS7JN is QRV as ZW0S until December 15. Activity is on all HF bands, including 6 meters, using SSB and RTTY. Since this is a work-related trip, activity will be limited, typically after 1900z. QSL to home call.
CHAD, TT. Allen, N5XZ is QRV as TT8XZ, and will be here until December 19. QSL to home call.
ST. KITTS AND NEVIS, V4. Larry, KJ4UY is QRV as V47UY until December 16. This includes entries in the TARA RTTY Melee, PSK Death March and possibly the ARRL 160 Meter contests. Although this is a vacation, he will try to be active as much as possible. QSL to home call.
COCOS-KEELING ISLAND, VK9C. VK9CJ has been QRV on 20 meters around 1200z. QSL via JA1KJW.
CAMBODIA, XU. Dick, N6FF is QRV as XU7ACB for about two weeks. Activity is mostly on 160 meters, but will try other bands, depending on propagation. QSL to home call.
UK SOVEREIGN BASE AREAS ON CYPRUS, ZC4. Geoff, ZC4CW is QRV as ZC4T and will participate in the ARRL 160 and 10 Meter contests. QSL via G3AB.
CAYMAN ISLANDS, ZF. Joe, W6VNR will be QRV as ZF2AH in the ARRL 160 Meter contest. QSL via N3ME.
THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The ARRL 160-Meter CW Contest, QRP ARCI Topband Sprint, PSK Death Match, TARA RTTY Melee, TOPS Activity 80-Meter Contest and the QRP ARCI Holiday Spirits Homebrew CW Sprint are all scheduled for this weekend. Please see December QST, page 84 and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest websites for details.